Council for Drug Free Youth: This partner agency educates the community about the dangers of underage drinking and drug usage. Its goal is to prevent drug usage by anyone under the age of 21 and promote responsible drinking by adults. The United Way grant money will be used to expand the program to the Wardsville, Toas, and St. Thomas schools.
Amount of grant: $3,845
Jefferson City Day Care Center: This partner agency provides full-day childcare for children from 0-10 years old on a sliding fee scale. United Way grant money will be used to finance a parenting program for families of the center. This two-year pilot program will not only provide a support group but cover topics of budgeting, setting goals, general parenting, health & safety, and other additional topics to provide parents with additional skills.
Amount of grant: $5,190
Big Brothers/Big Sisters: This partner agency provides a mentoring program in order to make a positive difference in the lives of children and youth. This grant will be used to hire a temporary staff person to assist them at the beginning of the school year with the enrollment process to support the implementation of the Missouri Mentoring Initiative in 2008. This initiative allows MO State Employees one hour of paid leave to mentor a child in a local elementary or middle school. As a result of the MMI this agency has benefited by enrolling an additional 50 state employees as Big Brothers or Big Sisters, which nearly doubles the number of children that are matched in the school based program.
Amount of grant: $5,000
Family Counseling Center: This partner agency provides drug and alcohol abuse counseling services to individuals and families. In addition, they offer additional counseling to individuals with issues such as anxiety disorders, grief related problems, marital issues, and PTSD resulting from childhood neglect or abuse. This grant will provide additional computer technology to enhance staff presentations and effectiveness during sessions.
Amount of grant: $3,761
Pathways Community Behavior Healthcare: This partner agency provides comprehensive psychiatric service to adults with serious mental disorders and children with serious emotional disturbances. This two-year grant will be used to provide co-located serves to individuals in Cole County having both mental health and primary healthcare needs in a collaborative effort between Pathways and the Community Health Center in Central Missouri.
Amount of grant: $14,000
Homemaker Health Care: This partner agency provides assistance in meeting the demands of daily living for the elderly, infirmed, and disabled who continue to live independently in their residences and to prevent premature institutionalization. This grant is to provide increased awareness of the importance of heart health and regular blood pressure screenings to minorities, women, and the medically underserved in our community.
After a basic health assessment, HHC would purchase monitors to assess blood glucose and cholesterol levels using existing telemonitoring equipment. This system will allow HHC to monitor patient’s vital signs from a central location.
Amount of grant: $8,960
Community Health Center of Central Missouri: This partner agency provides primary, dental, mental health and pharmaceutical services to residents of Cole County regardless of their ability to pay. This grant is to provide two years of start-up funding to establish a support group for Jefferson City and Cole County children and youth who are grieving the loss of a parent or sibling. No such support groups exist for youth in our community or anywhere in mid-Missouri. The CHCCM will provide administrative oversight and support for this program.
Amount of grant: $14,500
Special Learning Center: This partner agency provides comprehensive, early intervention services for children with developmental delays and disabilities. United Way grant money will provide additional surveillance equipment to monitor and record activities both inside and outside of the center.
Amount of grant: $7,771
Rape and Abuse Crisis Service: This partner agency provides services to help victims of domestic violence and sexual assault find ways to live their lives independent of abuse. These services may include shelter, counseling, advocacy, crisis intervention, future housing, hotline calls, and court assistance. United way grant money will provide replacement of both outdoor and indoor surveillance cameras which will greatly improve the safety of the shelter residents.
Amount of grant: $11,719
Boys & Girls Club of the Capital City: This partner agency provides after school and summer programs for youth ages 6 to 18. United Way Board of Directors voted additional supplemental funding to cover the transportation costs from seven area schools to the club for the Project Learn Program. This after school program is available five days a week (Mon-Fri 3-7pm).
Amount of supplemental funding: $5,450
Salvation Army: This partner agency provides a 40-bed homeless shelter, community meals, food pantry and a number of other social services to low income individuals and families in our community. The United Way Board of Directors voted additional supplemental funding to provide food supplies and other consumables to the SA pantry.
Amount of supplemental funding: $10,000
Cole County Senior Nutrition Council: This partner agency provides both congregate meals and home bound meals to seniors (60 and older) and to disabled individuals in Cole County. With the recent move to the Mall location, this program has expanded tremendously, serving over 1,000 additional meals a month. The United Way Board of Directors voted additional supplemental funding to off-set the increased and ongoing expenses of this expansion.
Amount of supplemental funding: $5,000
Dreams to Reality: This agency provides appropriate interview and business apparel, motivation, and follow-up support to low income women attempting to reenter the work force. In addition to approval of a 2008 grant, the United Way Board of Directors approved provisional partnership of this agency to the United Way of Central Missouri family. The United Way grant money will be used to offset agency expenses and to provide additional services to their clients.
Amount of grant: $5,000
Cole County Chapter of MO Foster Care & Adoption Association: This non-member agency was created last fall to better meet the needs of adoptive and foster children and their families. This grant is to provide funding for the “Begin Again Backpack” program designed to support children and youth when they first enter the foster care system. Many children are removed from their home during a crisis and are not given the opportunity to take their favorite toys, games, security blanket or stuffed animal. When the child comes into the care of the Children’s Division, this group will be notified by the child’s case worker and if requested will be provided with a “Begin Again Backpack” filled with age and gender specific items they can call their own.
Amount of Grant: $7,000
Central Missouri Community Action: This mission of this non-partner agency, previously know as Cole County HDC, is to empower individuals and families to achieve self-reliance. This grant is to provide financial support of the recently established “Circles” initiative. Specifically, the money is to be used for food, transportation, and childcare for the individuals and families taking part in the weekly meetings.
Amount of Grant: $5,000