Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Local United Way Announces Campaign Total

The United Way of Central Missouri marked the end of its formal fundraising period at a Victory Celebration held at the Missouri Farm Bureau on Wednesday morning. Prior to announcing the campaign results, organizers stressed that the total amount raised contains projections as donations continue to arrive at the United Way office over the coming weeks and months.
The projected pledge total of the 2010 Community campaign is $1,626,254. United Way leadership reported this total will make it possible to meet its financial commitment to the member agencies and the community. “Our first responsibility is to our 25 partner agencies, many of which could not exist without United Way funding”, said United Way President, Ann Bax. “This year’s projected total will allow us to keep that commitment and help make a positive difference in the lives of people in need in our community.”
“Challenging times call for big hearts. It's no surprise that Mid-Missourians have answered the call to help their friends and neighbors” said Debbie Snyder, 2010 Campaign Co-Chair. “That generous spirit makes "Live United" more than just a slogan. In our community, it's a way of life.”
“Once again, this confirms what a generous community we live in,” added Bernie Fechtel, Campaign Co-Chair. “It also shows the community believes in and trusts the United Way when it comes to determining and meeting the needs in Central Missouri.” He added, “We are so fortunate to be able to count on our contributors year after year”.
Money raised during the Community Campaign funds the work of the 25 member agencies and programs. United Way of Central Missouri serves Cole, Miller, Moniteau, Osage, and southern Callaway Counties. For more information about the United Way of Central Missouri and its agencies, call 573-636-4100 or visit our website at


Monday, November 1, 2010

United Way to Announce Campaign Totals

The United Way of Central Missouri will announce the projected total for the 2010 Community Campaign during the Victory Celebration next week. The Victory Celebration is scheduled Wednesday, November 10th at 8:00am at Missouri Farm Bureau, 701 S. Country Club Drive. The event is free and open to the public. A light breakfast will be provided.
“The campaign results announced at the Victory Celebration is a projection, as actual results for the 2010 Community Campaign will not be finalized until early next year. This event is also our opportunity to recognize the efforts of our wonderful volunteers, and thank the community for their support and for continuing the effort to Live United” says Ann Bax, President of the United Way. Money raised will fund the work of the 25 United Way of Central Missouri agencies and programs. The United Way of Central Missouri serves Cole, Miller, Moniteau, Osage, and southern Callaway Counties.
For more information about the United Way Community Campaign please call 573-636-4100 or visit our website at
