Wednesday, April 22, 2009

United Way of Central Missouri announces Community Campaign Co-Chairs for 2009

The United Way of Central Missouri announced this year’s campaign leadership at a news conference this morning. Two longtime Jefferson City area residents and community leaders will serve as this year’s co-chairmen. Warren Krech has over 30 years’ experience in broadcasting, and is a 25-year veteran of Jefferson City radio. He is the current and 3-time winner of the News Tribune’s “Readers Choice” award for favorite local radio personality. He is a member of the United Way of Central Missouri Board of Directors. Mike Kehoe has over 20 years experience in the automotive industry. Mike is extremely committed to his community, something that is exemplified in the number of awards he has received at both the local and state levels. He is a member of the United Way of Central Missouri Board of Directors. In the past, he served as campaign co-chair in 2001 and on the nominating committee.

For more information please call the United Way office at 573-636-4100.


Live United Flash Mob

Underneath everything we are, underneath everything we do, we are all people. Connected, interdependent, united. And when we reach out a hand to one, we influence the condition of all. That's what it means to LIVE UNITED!
We all win when a child succeeds in school, when families are financially stable, when people are healthly. Advancing the common good is less about helping one person at a time and more about changing systems to help all of us. Living United means being part of the change.

It takes everyone in a community working together to build a brighter future. Please help us share the message of what it means to LIVE UNITED!

United Way of Central Missouri to announce Campaign Leaders for the Fall Campaign

The United Way of Central Missouri will announce the 2009 Community Campaign Co-chairs at a news conference scheduled at 11:00am on Wednesday, April 22 at Jefferson City Day Care Center, 1002 Myrtle, during National Volunteer Week. The co-chairs and United Way staff will be available for questions immediately following. For more information please call the United Way office at 573-636-4100.